We all know that tea isn't just a tasty beverage to gulp down first thing in the morning. The nature of tea leaves is such that it imparts health and wellness benefits. According to studies, Tea leaves, especially green tea leaves, are a rich source of flavonoids, bioactive compounds that can lessen oxidative stress, relieve inflammation, and provide other health benefits.

Herbal infusions, on the other hand, help us to relax and rejuvenate. Some tisanes with strawberry and hibiscus make a refreshing cold brew for summer. Tea has an amino acid that is shown to reduce stress. This is called theanine. There are several studies showing that individuals who take theanine supplements consistently have lower levels of stress. When combined with caffeine, Theanine helps to boost our brain activity as well as our mood. It is this boost that gives us this sense of relaxation and well being that only tea can provide. Interestingly, Theanine is only found commercially in tea, along with a few mushrooms which people do not eat.
For getting the most out of our cup, we must steep and brew our tea properly. Each tea comes with its own steeping and brewing process. There are also steeping options for a lot of teas, maintaining a temperature of 85-100 degrees celsius. Even milk plays an important role. Pouring milk after the water boils causes uneven heating, affecting the taste of the tea. On the other hand, pouring milk directly into a cup where you have placed the tea bag doesn’t give the tea leaves enough room to brew properly. So for a happy cuppa, we must follow the step-by-step process for each tea.