Tea Tales — tea vs coffee

Which came first, coffee or tea?

Which came first, coffee or tea?

Coffee and tea, just like peanut butter and jelly, have a unique chemistry and shared history in numerous households and cafes all around the world. Wherever one goes, the other tags along pretty much every time. A question that comes to mind now is which one of the two originated first, tea or coffee? Origin of Tea-Tea was first prepared in China around 2700 BC, making it one of the world’s earliest beverages. Evidence shows that tea was consumed for a good thousand years before coffee was cultivated for the very first time. After its discovery, tea was initially consumed...

International Tea Day Special | Debunking tea myth: Tea has the same caffeine levels as coffee

International Tea Day Special | Debunking tea myth: Tea has the same caffeine levels as coffee

On the occasion of International Tea Day on May 21, let’s uncover one of the most common misconceptions about tea: that it’s caffeine free. If you weren’t aware that tea contains caffeine, then this blog is just what the barista recommends. Secret Ingredient in All Teas It’s not like we need a special day to talk about our love for tea and all things chai related. As tea connoisseurs, our day, our partnerships, conversations, and mission all revolve around tea and numerous benefits. But on the occasion of International Tea Day, which is celebrated around the world on May 21, we...

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